Sonic Site Stories

A project around sound, sites, stories and history where listening and oral storytelling was the key. The project is in Swedish and published as Berättelser, minnen, platser . It deals with told and untold stories and memories in the villages Norra Vånga, Lugnås and Tollered (and Nääs) in west Sweden. The stories are supposed to be listened to on site and are reached via the mobile page .  They are also available via You can read more about the sites in more detail here (Swedish). See also links to a few of the stories below.

Excertp from Jan Gerdin telling the story of Kulpetorp

Klosterängen Lugnås, Fjällahacket i Kulpetorp, Vällingklockan i Tollered, Nääs fabriker, Redskap på Bastöna hembygdsgård